Willow Oak Pruning: Before and After
This beautiful Willow Oak, Quercus phellos, is one of only a handful of mature tree of this species in Asheville. They are plentiful in lower elevations such as Raleigh and Charlotte, but here it is a rare treat to be able to climb the sprawling canopy of a Willow Oak.Smart Feller has been eying this tree for years, as it is very prolific, and was very much in need of professional pruning. Crossing limbs were removed, since when limbs rub on each other it can be damaging to the cambium; weight was reduced on several large leaders to provide better safety for the property as well as the structural integrity of the tree; and all dead wood 2" and greater was removed.Check back with us next week when we work with TJ at Crown Root and Soil to help replenish the soil so that this awesome tree can thrive for years to come.Before:Happy tree! After (free of dead wood and sporting it's fresh trim):
Before, from below the canopy: